Dubai’s Dynamic Climate: Navigating the Seasons of Sun and Splendor

by Ethan

Where is located Dubai – the winner of the existing, indeed, rivalry, group of the Desert is the Arabian Desert. This class of biomes mostly include deserts characterized by extreme temperatures and arid regions. The city basks almost all year round which reasons why it has become a favored place which is most common during the winter months and lets out the desire of having warmth and sunshine.

In a Dubai Summer, which can go up to 40 C, and could also even be more, it also has high humidity. The part of year from June to September are often unbearably hot and for the tourists to figure this out and they got to have water during the mid-day and protect them from the sun light. However, I found the nights also offering more tranquil scenes or excluded visitors and residents from their homes’ and landed into a natural mode of being.

Ski town is obviously in a cold weather from November to March, then people will fall in love with coming to it as well. The days are usually between 20°C and 30°C (68°F and 86°F). These temperatures are a relief for us due to their cooling effect over extreme temperatures that we experience to the summer months. Finally, the planets orbit the sun, and in fact, this is the example in which urban space is being efficiently used – the warm season, where it is comfortable for walking and being in public, as well as enjoying cultural engagement outdoors.

Transitional periods include April – May and October that are the spring and autumn, respectively signifying gradual weather changes. They are usually the prettiest times in a year to go sightseeing. Of these six months half is the barometer either between hot feverish summer we have at the moment and pleasantly warm weather, thus perfect this time of year for ecotherapy activities.

The climate of Dubai is mainly categorized by being semi-arid and the short and rare storm scenario dominates, mostly downpours with passing showers being a regular scene.

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