Understanding the Difference Between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates: Everything You Need to Know

by Ethan

Saudi Arabia and U.A.E the most prominent countries in the Arabian Gulf side or the Arabian Peninsula are typically beset by misconceptions because they are very close to each other and share the same cultural roots. What is more, they have various attributes that are different from each other: that makes each of them unique with regards to the aspects of life of residents and visitors.

At the core lies the complexion of systems of government that separate them. Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy, under which the royal family rules the government, while in the UAE the federal absolute monarchy form of government is prevalent and each of the emirates has its monarch king. It is the reason for the diverse political regimes and the manner of how decision making take place in the two countries.

Due to the fact that Saudi Arabia is mainly using its abundant oil reserves for its economy, making it one of the largest oil producers in the world, this country is very reliant on its national economy situation. In addition, the UAE has gradually shifted away from a mono-economy towards a new diversification strategy. The sectors which make up major parts of the UAE’s economy are tourism, aviation, and real estate. To put it succinctly, Dubai is a business mega-city and also best-known for its fame as an international tourist destination

Financially, in the common Muslims’ heritage, the two countries may differ in the Islamic rituals and customs. The modesty in Saudi Arabia can be seen in women wearing different color abayas and men donning thobes and shaylas. However, Dubai, being the most cosmopolitan city in the UAE, declares itself to be liberal and smart and offers a wider variety of clothes.

Saudi Arabia is the largest country on the Arabian Peninsula because of its area, which varied of the places that contained deserts, reefs and mountains. Unlike the UK, the UAE is a significantly smaller country but its capital, and other major cities whole-heartedly reflect the modern era and feature spectacular skyscrapers and luxurious properties.

As the conclusion, it can be proposed that although Sheikhdoms have many things in common in terms of their historical roots and culture, their distinct identities are defined by their governance system or structure, economic policy strategies, social traditions, and geographical features. Realizing these gaps is an essential thing for people working to achieve the goal of experiencing the greatness of both countries.

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